Lookup  U.S. National Bank Lookup (1863-1935)
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Bank Info for NB Charter 3785 (1887 - 1999)

Official Bank Title(s) (Huntoon)
# Bank Title (Change Date) Bank Town
1 The Texarkana National Bank
Texarkana, TX
Bank Officer Pairs (OCC/Pollock)
Years Cashier President
1887-1889 Charles A. Williams Benjamin T. Estes
1890-1902 William Rhoads Grim Benjamin T. Estes
1903-1906 Otis Harvey McCorkle William Rhoads Grim
1907-1907 Alfred B. De Loach William Rhoads Grim
1908-1922 John William Wheeler William Rhoads Grim
1923-1923 Harold Thomas Wiegel William Rhoads Grim
1924-1924 Harold Thomas Wiegel John William Wheeler
1925-1930 Robert Milan Bone John William Wheeler
1931-1935 Robert Milan Bone John Andrew Pondrom
Other Known Bank Note Signers
  • No other known bank note signers for this bank
Bank Note History Links
Bank Note Types Issued (VanBelkum)
Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 545
1882 Brown Back 50-100 1 - 1091
1902 Red Seal 4x5 1 - 500
1902 Red Seal 3x10-20 1 - 1330
1902 Date Back 4x5 1 - 15250
1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 10900
1902 Plain Back 4x5 15251 - 42254
1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 10901 - 29855
1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 23268
1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 11808
1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 2948
1929 Type 2 5 1 - 9498
1929 Type 2 10 1 - 5526
1929 Type 2 20 1 - 1200
Smithsonian NBN Proof Links (Huntoon Index)
Bank History Summary (VanBelkum/Huntoon/Pollock)
  • Organized Jul 23, 1887
  • Chartered Sep 5, 1887
  • Bank was Open past 1935
  • For Bank History after 1935 see:
  • FDIC Bank History website
  • Merged into Hibernia National Bank in New Orleans, LA
  • on Jan 1, 1999
Bank Balance Summaries (Huntoon/Pollock)
Total Resources Summary
Low Bal (1887) $133,084
High Bal (1928) $16,535,592
Circulation Summary
Low Bal (1896) $22,050
High Bal (1929) $500,000
Total Out (1934) $250,000
# Large Notes 300,118
# Small Notes 244,368
# Total Notes 544,486
$ Large Size $2,588,880
$ Small Size $1,887,030
$ Total Issued $4,475,910
OCC Annual Bank Balances (Pollock)
Report Date Total Resources Circulation
Oct-05-1887 $133,084.02 $0.00
Oct-04-1888 $234,835.91 $22,500.00
Sep-30-1889 $323,443.73 $22,500.00
Oct-02-1890 $356,539.83 $22,500.00
Sep-25-1891 $405,088.85 $22,500.00
Sep-30-1892 $561,425.47 $22,500.00
Oct-03-1893 $575,933.32 $22,500.00
Oct-02-1894 $627,640.43 $22,500.00
Sep-28-1895 $672,831.23 $22,500.00
Oct-06-1896 $627,860.43 $22,050.00
Oct-05-1897 $623,168.96 $22,500.00
Sep-20-1898 $802,546.41 $22,500.00
Sep-07-1899 $1,042,920.18 $22,500.00
Sep-05-1900 $1,221,547.53 $25,000.00
Sep-30-1901 $1,372,071.85 $25,000.00
Sep-15-1902 $1,500,964.12 $25,000.00
Sep-09-1903 $1,743,752.20 $25,000.00
Sep-06-1904 $1,855,726.72 $53,000.00
Aug-25-1905 $1,828,310.00 $53,000.00
Sep-04-1906 $1,987,713.00 $53,000.00
Aug-22-1907 $2,150,084.00 $53,000.00
Sep-23-1908 $2,279,938.00 $95,000.00
Sep-01-1909 $2,215,281.00 $125,000.00
Sep-01-1910 $2,486,688.00 $123,900.00
Sep-01-1911 $2,596,469.00 $125,000.00
Sep-04-1912 $2,897,291.00 $125,000.00
Aug-09-1913 $3,173,980.00 $125,000.00
Sep-12-1914 $3,081,406.00 $124,000.00
Sep-02-1915 $3,103,132.00 $125,000.00
Sep-12-1916 $3,848,087.00 $100,000.00
Sep-11-1917 $4,869,985.00 $100,000.00
Aug-31-1918 $4,684,901.00 $100,000.00
Sep-12-1919 $5,273,136.00 $100,000.00
Sep-12-1920 $6,801,784.00 $195,300.00
Sep-06-1921 $6,661,990.00 $193,900.00
Sep-15-1922 $9,088,358.00 $200,000.00
Sep-14-1923 $10,675,210.00 $194,700.00
Oct-10-1924 $12,194,275.00 $200,000.00
Sep-28-1925 $13,405,952.00 $100,000.00
Dec-31-1926 $13,869,408.00 $100,000.00
Oct-10-1927 $15,436,420.00 $100,000.00
Dec-31-1928 $16,535,592.00 $300,000.00
Dec-31-1929 $13,818,034.00 $500,000.00
Dec-31-1930 $12,387,216.00 $500,000.00
Dec-31-1931 $9,426,851.00 $500,000.00
Dec-31-1932 $7,880,891.00 $500,000.00
Dec-30-1933 $7,210,110.00 $250,000.00
Dec-31-1934 $8,107,230.00 $250,000.00
Dec-31-1935 $8,432,179.00 $0.00


See National Bank Lookup website Overview for help. For additional bank & banker info including advanced Bank Officer Search, see the SPMC Bank Note History Project home page. For more information on the National Bank Notes issued by these banks, see Collecting U.S. National Bank Notes on SPMC's Collecting Paper Money website. Join SPMC!