Lookup  U.S. National Bank Lookup (1863-1935)
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Bank Info for NB Charter 150 (1863 - 1932)

Heritage Auctions, www.ha.com

Official Bank Title(s) (Huntoon)
# Bank Title (Change Date) Bank Town
1 The First National Bank of
Nashville, TN
2 Fourth and First National Bank of (7/12/1927)
Nashville, TN
Bank Officer Pairs (OCC/Pollock)
Years Cashier President
1863-1864 James Given Ogden Alanson Gifford Sanford
1865-1868 James Caldwell McCrory Alanson Gifford Sanford
1869-1869 Robert Gibson Jamison Alanson Gifford Sanford
1870-1871 Robert Gibson Jamison Michael Burns
1872-1872 William Charles Butterfield (Asst) Michael Burns
1873-1873 William Charles Butterfield Michael Burns
1874-1878 Theodore Cooley Michael Burns
1879-1879 Theodore Cooley Samuel Jackson Keith
1880-1885 John Philip Williams Nathaniel Baxter, Jr.
1886-1891 Henry Wesley Grantland Thomas Plater
1892-1893 Henry Wesley Grantland Herman Justi
1894-1894 William Francis Bang, Jr. Herman Justi
1895-1895 James Henderson Fullton Herman Justi
1896-1896 James Henderson Fullton Joel Walker Carter
1897-1897 David Shelby Williams Joel Walker Carter
1897-1902 Frank Overton Watts Joel Walker Carter
1903-1911 Randal Benjamin Curell Frank Overton Watts
1911-1911 * none * Frank Overton Watts
1927-1929 William Pleasant Smith James Erwin Caldwell
Other Known Bank Note Signers
Bank Note History Links
Bank Note Types Issued (VanBelkum)
Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1: Original Series 4x5 1 - 2750
1: Original Series 4x10 1 - 3150
1: Original Series 3x20-50 1 - 2009
1: Series 1875 3x20-50 1 - 3090
1: 1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 20340
1: 1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 12012
1: 1882 Brown Back 50-100 1 - 5328
1: 1902 Red Seal 4x5 1 - 13000
1: 1902 Red Seal 50-100 1 - 4000
1: 1902 Date Back 4x5 1 - 7340
1: 1902 Date Back 50-100 1 - 1328
2: 1902 Plain Back 4x5 1 - 52872
2: 1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 1 - 53535
2: 1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 9962
2: 1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 37682
2: 1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 11935
Smithsonian NBN Proof Links (Huntoon Index)
Bank History Summary (VanBelkum/Huntoon/Pollock)
  • Chartered Dec 11, 1863
  • 1: Assumed 2200 by consolidation Jan 13, 1880 (Mechanics National Bank, Nashville, TN)
  • 1: Assumed 6729 by consolidation May 15, 1906 (Merchants National Bank, Nashville, TN)
  • 1: Liquidated Jul 8, 1912
  • 1: Consolidated with 1669 (Fourth NB/Fourth and First NB, Nashville, TN)
  • 1: Circulation assumed by 1669 (Fourth NB/Fourth and First NB, Nashville, TN)
  • 2: Charter 150 reassigned to 1669 Jul 12, 1927 (FNB/Fourth and First NB, Nashville, TN)
  • 2: Liquidated Oct 10, 1932
  • 2: Absorbed by 3032 (American National Bank, Nashville, TN)
Bank Balance Summaries (Huntoon/Pollock)
Total Resources Summary
Low Bal (1870) $886,158
High Bal (1929) $41,077,674
Circulation Summary
Low Bal (1887) $45,000
High Bal (1929) $1,861,000
Total Out (1929) $1,861,000
# Large Notes 653,656
# Small Notes 357,474
# Total Notes 1,011,130
$ Large Size $6,888,080
$ Small Size $3,991,980
$ Total Issued $10,880,060
OCC Annual Bank Balances (Pollock)
Report Date Total Resources Circulation
Nov-25-1864 $1,041,670.19 $70,000.00
Oct-02-1865 $2,672,778.99 $222,450.00
Oct-01-1866 $1,061,520.81 $222,450.00
Oct-07-1867 $1,029,776.26 $225,000.00
Oct-05-1868 $1,136,192.93 $225,000.00
Oct-09-1869 $991,033.71 $225,000.00
Oct-08-1870 $886,158.33 $225,000.00
Oct-02-1871 $967,606.56 $225,000.00
Oct-03-1872 $1,068,771.99 $225,000.00
Sep-12-1873 $1,162,907.17 $225,000.00
Oct-02-1874 $1,090,608.17 $225,000.00
Oct-01-1875 $1,002,593.68 $225,000.00
Oct-02-1876 $1,085,402.26 $225,000.00
Oct-01-1877 $1,082,303.54 $225,000.00
Oct-01-1878 $1,002,030.20 $224,940.00
Oct-02-1879 $975,113.52 $179,950.00
Oct-01-1880 $1,913,621.04 $269,950.00
Oct-01-1881 $2,260,073.00 $269,920.00
Oct-03-1882 $1,851,849.71 $263,660.00
Oct-02-1883 $2,774,693.92 $268,860.00
Sep-30-1884 $3,112,328.12 $358,860.00
Oct-01-1885 $3,404,455.98 $358,960.00
Oct-07-1886 $3,628,978.53 $135,000.00
Oct-05-1887 $3,784,798.71 $45,000.00
Oct-04-1888 $3,405,140.91 $45,000.00
Sep-30-1889 $3,210,731.53 $45,000.00
Oct-02-1890 $3,259,401.94 $45,000.00
Sep-25-1891 $2,967,054.99 $45,000.00
Sep-30-1892 $3,063,361.66 $45,000.00
Oct-03-1893 $2,925,225.26 $45,000.00
Oct-02-1894 $2,702,308.23 $45,000.00
Sep-28-1895 $2,193,700.25 $45,000.00
Oct-06-1896 $2,009,072.74 $45,000.00
Oct-05-1897 $2,079,162.76 $45,000.00
Sep-20-1898 $1,974,906.25 $45,000.00
Sep-07-1899 $2,804,750.97 $45,000.00
Sep-05-1900 $2,524,836.20 $50,000.00
Sep-30-1901 $2,485,961.10 $50,000.00
Sep-15-1902 $2,892,279.76 $50,000.00
Sep-09-1903 $3,174,402.77 $150,000.00
Sep-06-1904 $4,037,401.94 $150,000.00
Aug-25-1905 $3,760,350.00 $50,000.00
Sep-04-1906 $5,404,373.00 $322,000.00
Aug-22-1907 $5,564,628.00 $462,000.00
Sep-23-1908 $5,379,377.00 $500,000.00
Sep-01-1909 $6,487,215.00 $500,000.00
Sep-01-1910 $5,639,374.00 $50,000.00
Sep-01-1911 $5,735,155.00 $70,000.00
Oct-10-1927 $33,384,971.00 $1,463,600.00
Dec-31-1928 $37,570,567.00 $1,480,900.00
Dec-31-1929 $41,077,674.00 $1,861,000.00


See National Bank Lookup website Overview for help. For additional bank & banker info including advanced Bank Officer Search, see the SPMC Bank Note History Project home page. For more information on the National Bank Notes issued by these banks, see Collecting U.S. National Bank Notes on SPMC's Collecting Paper Money website. Join SPMC!